Thursday, August 28, 2014

forever living success stories

forever living success stories
forever living success stories

Top Distributor in Africa, 2012 Top Profit Share Cheque, Provided in Sun City in Africa Rally by Rex Maughan, Founder & CEO of Forever Living Product International

 Les Brown put this way  Say to yourself regardless of what you are facing…I’m going to be all right. Create an energy of peace, healing, and hope around yourself. Whatever it is…finances, unexpected challenges, health concerns, job security, or long-term changes in your life situation. Despite what you see, hear, and feel…say to yourself…I’m going to be all right. Calm your mind, speak to your body, and rest your spirit…allow yourself to relax so that you can sleep at night. With this mindset, you will be all right!!

  John and Justina Ekperigin Story – Diamond Managers 2009

This is a Nigerian couple living in Port Harcourt. They started their Forever business in 2004. In 2008 John was still working in his university job as a lecturer and part time in Forever. Justina worked their Forever business full time. These were their incomes. In July 2008, John earned £500 from his full time job. Their Forever bonus was £13,000 August, 2008 - £490 from the job Bonus £19,900 from their Forever business In September 2008 - £495 from the job £25,000 bonus for just that month of September, 2008

  Where do this Diamonds Came from?

John and Justina have been married for 27 years. They have two sons who are at university in Canada. Both came from poor families and have worked very hard all their lives. They had big dreams for themselves and their boys. They wanted the best education for their sons and a comfortable life. They wanted to eat well. The reality was poverty, ill health and stress. When the boys were of primary school age, they went to 8 different schools at ever lower fees. At the last one they had to sit on the mud floor as there were no chairs or desks for them and John and Justina did not have the money to buy these for them. John and Justina both achieved several university degrees. When Forever found them, John was working at the university and his monthly income was £500. He said he was working himself to death but his efforts were never recognised. Justina had a small shop where she worked from 7 in the morning till 8 in the evening. They had no time freedom and although they worked hard they had nothing to show for it. They said they lacked everything except true love and determination. 

  How The Diamond Catch in the Boat of HOPE that sails in Africa, and Globally?

The lady who introduced them to Forever business, Oma, came to them several times but they did not want to know about the business. They said they were too busy to do anything more…. They did not think Forever would deliver for them. It was only when she mentioned that the products had helped many ladies with fibroids that they listened. Justina had a big, round stomach with fibroids and they did not want for her to have an operation. Justina used the products as recommended and after 3 months and 1 week her stomach was flat and the fibroids gone. They then looked at the business and got going. At first they just recommended the products for their health benefits. Like so many, they did not see what else apart from the products there was in the Combo or Starter Pack ….. They did not see that the box also had in it complete financial freedom and security, a fantastic lifestyle, new cars, Profit Share cheques, International travel, quality education for their sons, recognition….. The same as you when reading this vibrant and motivating story remember as Les Brown put it above… you will be alright… 

  How this Diamonds come together!!! 

 John said how he had got Justina to marry him by promising that they would have a trip to Canada. This did not happen for over twenty years and was only realized through Forever. They have now had more than 20 trips to other countries paid for by Forever to Brazil, the US and many other countries. They tell stories of people in their team they have been able to help to achieve a good income and a secure future. They say how in Nigeria 90% of graduates cannot get jobs on leaving university. With Forever some of them have totally changed their lives. One young man had left university and still had no job after 8 years and is now a Soaring Manager.with an income of £1000’s a month. They sponsored a Catholic priest who now has 25 priests in his team. One lady in the team had been on an income of £10 a month. She became a Manager in 6 months and went on Car Plan in 10 months.

  The Diamonds say: It’s not what you know, it’s what you do with what you know” Diamonds Activity: Vibrant product sales and team building. The key is to identify those who want the Forever opportunity, to build the team and to coach the team John and Justina use lots of the products themselves and feel and look great on them. Every day they go out to make 10 new friends each. The take an exercise book to write down names, phone numbers and what each person is looking for. At the end of each day, they look at the lists and divide up these prospects into those who want the products for better health or skincare or weight loss or those who want to make money. They then make calls to invite them to Business Opportunity Meeting or product presentations. Apart from their target of adding 20 new prospects a day, they also have daily product sales targets. They get out 10 product brochures/fliers each day each. They do presentations to groups of professionals on specific health topics and how the products can help. They get out a selection of products to staff of companies and to families (in the UK this would be PUPP drops). They do 3 Product Launches (in the UK: Business Launches) a week for their new team members. Twice a week they do breakfast meetings from 7am to 7, 45. They run team meetings and trainings every week. They also have a monthly Achievers Day as well as a High Fliers day once a month on a Sunday. They run Health Awareness Campaigns. They also have an Aloe Day once a month when they go everywhere with a bottle of Aloe Gel and even tie empty bottles to their cars! They run training on Clean and Lean every Tuesday and they also have a club for people who are on the Clean and Lean programme. 

  Here is How to Go for Diamond!!

 John and Justina said that of all the people they sponsor to their Forever Business, few are the right ones. They need to sort out the right ones from the wrong ones. They do Planning Sessions to get the new person started. They work with them and teach and coach them. Their motto is: “Teach 5 to reach 5”. They coach this to all in their team. They do a lot of what they call “Team Keeping Activities”. They run trainings and meetings 3 times a week. The do promotions with the team and run competitions. They have fun time together. Their plan for the future is to develop generations of future true leaders. They want to put smiles on the faces of many people and help them lift themselves out of poverty the way they have liberated themselves from poverty. You have the same Chance here Today!!! Remember DREAM is not what you SEE in SLEEP, Its SOMETHING that does not LET you SLEEP… So, Say to yourself regardless of what you are facing…I’m going to be all right. Create an energy of peace, healing, and hope around yourself. Whatever it is…finances, unexpected challenges, health concerns, job security, or long-term changes in your life situation. Despite what you see, hear, and feel…say to yourself…I’m going to be all right. Calm your mind, speak to your body, and rest your spirit…allow yourself to relax so that you can sleep at night. With this mindset, I will be glad to welcome you into my DIAMOND’s TEAM!! and Lets Make you the Next DIAMOND!! Are you Ready?